You’re so very welcome!

Join our community of men who are dedicated to taking care of their mental health. Here, you'll find support and resources you could tap on to breathe and thrive.

To be strong is to allow vulnerability.

In a world where "man up" too often means "keep quiet," we're shaking things up at Proof of Support. Here, strength can be about sharing that relatable story or simply soaking in the good vibes of a community that gets it - that gets You.

Talk, don't talk. It’s entirely up to you, we're here for all of it. Every man has a story, filled with ups, downs, and the challenges that life brings.

Just remember: everything becomes more manageable with a crew by your side. That’s what Proof of Support is.

Proof of Support is more than a community—it's a commitment with a touch of camaraderie. We're all about breaking those age-old stereotypes that surround men’s mental health, sharing resources, and of course, sharing a good laugh.

Join us, and find your proof that you're never alone. Together, we're not just strong — we’re unstoppable.